Fewer than 30 cases of dural chondromas arising from the convexit

Fewer than 30 cases of dural chondromas arising from the convexity or the falx are reported in the literature. In this study, we describe a new case of convexity chondroma. We discuss the radiological and histological features of this case and also review the literature. “
“Supratentorial cortical ependymoma (CE), a rare type of ependymoma, is located in the superficial cortex. We reported 11 patients (six female and five

male) with CE. The age of the patients ranged from 2 to 63 years old with a median age of 47 years at the time of diagnosis. On MRI, enhancement was noted in all cases with solid appearance in six cases, and solid and cystic appearance in five cases. The frontal and parietal regions were the most common locations for CE. On histology, two were low-grade (WHO grade www.selleckchem.com/products/pirfenidone.html II)

and nine were WHO grade check details III anaplastic ependymomas. Some tumors exhibited clear cell, spindle (tanycytic) and giant cell morphologies, as well as the classic ependymoma morphology. Dura-based tumor nodules and even tumor dissemination along the dura can be seen in CEs. Low grade CEs have a higher likelihood to present with seizures, a lower likelihood to cause brain edema, tumor recurrence and lower mortality than anaplastic ependymomas. While difficult, anaplastic CEs may be distinguished from glioblastoma by a clear interface between tumor and adjacent brain tissue, relative uniformity of tumor cell nuclei and immunopositivity for epithelial membrane antigen and/or CD99. As is the case for ependymomas in general, gross total resection is still the treatment of choice for CEs. “
“Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a highly malignant embryonal CNS tumor, generally unresponsive to any form of therapy, uniformly fatal within 1 year. We report 15 cases of AT/RT diagnosed at our center over a period of 5 years (2003–08). Tumors were located in different sites of the neuraxis, posterior fossa being the most common (n = 10) followed

by cerebral lobes (n = 3). There was one each at the supra sellar and cervical spinal regions, respectively. Radiologically most of the tumors were heterodense and enhancing heterogeneously. The tumors exhibited diverse histological profile Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) that included rhabdoid and PNET areas in all cases, mesenchymal and epithelial areas in 73.3% and 53.3% cases, respectively. Necrosis was evident in all cases and one showed calcification. Tumor cells displayed a polyphenotypic immunoprofile. All cases were consistently positive for vimentin and epithelial membrane antigen and were negative for desmin. Variable positivity was seen for other markers. The number of cases positive for these were: CK (53%), SMA (60%), synaptophysin (66%), NFP (33.3%) and GFAP (85%). CK staining was prominent in epithelial areas, while PNET cells labeled prominently with synaptophysin. There was lack of INI1 expression in all cases. Follow-up was available in 46.6% of cases which revealed a uniform poor prognosis. “
“I. Marinoni, M. Lee, S.

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