
due to the simplicity of the BJH method, BJH val

It is noteworthy that the BJH theory underestimates the pore size. A more reliable model such as the density functional theory yields a pore size of 3.53 nm for our sample [40]. However,

due to the simplicity of the BJH method, BJH values VX-809 research buy were used for contrasting pore sizes among different samples. Table 2 Structural properties of the mesoporous silica products Sample d 100 spacinga (nm) a 0 b (nm) w BJH c (nm) Wall thicknessd (nm) S BET (m2/g) V tot f (cm3/g) MSF 3.72 4.3 2.35 1.95 1,008 0.64 MS7               0.2 NA 4.60 5.31 3.01 2.30 624 0.43   0.5 NA 4.70 5.42 2.97 2.45 560 0.40   1 NA 3.42 3.95 2.5, 3.8i 0.92 1,454 1.26   2 NA 3.20 3.69 2.90 0.30 799 0.62   3.34 NA 4.34 5.01 2.86 1.48 887 0.54 MS12               1 SA 3.27 Selleckchem Blasticidin S 3.78 2.49 0.78 1,506 0.98   2 SA 3.42 3.95 2.56 0.86 1,504 0.96   3.34 SAg               MS4 3.64 to 7.21 4.3 to 8.3 3.70 1.73 (1.91e) 475 0.28   MS6b 4.10 4.73 2.64 1.46 299 0.16   MS5a h h 3.00 – 375 0.24   MS5b 6.15 7.10 3.70 2.45 (2.85e) 199 0.17 aCalculated from 2θ value corresponding to the (100) peak in the XRD pattern using Braggs law; b ; cBJH

pore diameter calculated from the desorption isotherm; dFor poorly ordered materials wall thickness = d 100 − w BJH, the better order samples (MSF, 0.1 NA and 0.2 NA) are calculated as a 0 − w BJH; eEstimated from TEM images; fSingle-point total pore volume at p/po = 0.995; gNo growth was observed with this molar value of sulfuric acid over the growth period; hNot determined from XRD graph; iBimodal pore size distribution. Effects of acid type and counterion The effect of acid and associated counterion is represented

by group MS7 using nitric acid (NO3 − monovalent counterion) and group MS12 using sulfuric acid (SO4 2− divalent counterion). Acid content was varied in the range of 0.2 to 3.34 mol HNO3 and 1 to 3.34 mol H2SO4 in the respective groups per 100 mol H2O. Adenosine triphosphate Both acids displayed a noteworthy influence on the product structure and morphology. Growth sequence exhibited a turbid solution in the water phase within 2 days; with time, this turbidity develops in the water bulk into a white soft precipitate. According to visual observations, the rate of formation was faster for nitric acid and proportional to the acid content. However, for sulfuric acid at a high concentration (3.34 SA), no product was formed over the entire growth period (14 days) indicating a hindered or slow growth. This shape disappeared at AZD1480 ic50 intermediate ratios (2 NA and 1 NA) where only disordered loose particles and films were seen (Figure 4b,c), whereas at lower contents (0.5 and 0.

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