Key Word(s): 1 biliary; 2 stenosis; 3 inflammatory; 4 pseudot

Key Word(s): 1. biliary; 2. stenosis; 3. inflammatory; 4. pseudotumor; 5. IPT; 6. benign Presenting Author: CATHARINA TRIWIKATMANI Additional Authors: SARAH MARDHIAH SUDIN, NORZAREEN AZLINDA MOHD ROS, NUR IZZATI ABDUL MALEK, FAHMI INDRARTI, NENENG RATNASARI Corresponding Author: CATHARINA TRIWIKATMANI Affiliations: Gadjah Mada University, Gadjah Mada University, Gadjah Pembrolizumab datasheet Mada University, Faculty of Medicine, Gmu / Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Gmu / Dr. Sardjito Hospital Objective: Complete removal of all bile duct stones is recommended. The selective use of intraoperative

cholangiography or choledochoscopy exploration with cholecystectomy is still controversial. Usually, liver biochemical tests and transabdominal ultrasound are performed as initial evaluations and risk stratifications. T he aim of this research is to evaluate the difference of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), g amma g lutamyl t ransferase (GGT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alanine transaminase

(ALT) level s in different Buparlisib research buy gallstone locations. Methods: From 2010 through 2013, 289 adult patients with gallstone disease underwent biliary surgery in Dr. Sardjito Hospital. One hundred and thirty six p atients with appropriate medical record data and criteria were included into this study. The subjects were divided into two groups, i.e. patients with choledocholithiasis and with cholecystolithiasis. The stone locations were determined based on final STK38 surgery reports. The latest liver biochemical test results during one week before surgery were chosen. Results: T abel. Liver biochemical level according to gallstone location Liver biochemical test Gallstone location n Median (min.-max.) p * Direct bilirubin

(mg/dL) Choledocholithiasis 16 0.15 (0.02–9.86) 0.000 Chole cysto lithiasis 97 4.40 (0.42–9.39) ALP (U/L) Choledocholithiasis 8 78.5 (45–552) 0.001 Chole cysto lithiasis 36 252 (111–1093) GGT (U/L) Choledocholithiasis 5 103 (14–430) 0.017 Chole cysto lithiasis 17 326 (220–803) SGOT (U/L) Choledocholithiasis 14 23 (8–224) 0.000 Chole cysto lithiasis 104 56 (14–168) SGPT (U/L) Choledocholithiasis 14 27 (7–323) 0.001 Chole cysto lithiasis 103 52.5 (28–248) *Mann-Whitney U test. Conclusion: Serum liver biochemical levels have significant differences in different gallstone location. Key Word(s): 1. liver biochemical level; 2. gallstone location Table 1. Liver Biochemical Level According to Gallstone Location. Liver biochemical test Gallstone location n Median (min.-max.) p* *Mann–Whitney U test.

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