The Fano resonances that are obtained from the P nr and the ACS s

The Fano resonances that are obtained from the P nr and the ACS spectra are slightly red shifted from the Fano dips in the P r and the SCS spectra [25]. The Fano dip and resonance that are predicted from P r and P nr are slightly red shifted from those obtained from ACS and SCS. Figure 4 Radiative powers ( d  = 25 nm) (a) and SCS efficiencies (b). Core in silica (blue curve), nanoshell (red curve), and nanomatryushka (black curve). Red dot: Fano resonance. The Napabucasin supplier Electric field, surface charge distribution, and far-field radiation pattern in the x-z plane of

the dipolar bonding mode (820 nm), the Fano dip (740 nm), and the dipolar anti-bonding mode (648 nm) are studied and shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7, respectively. Here, the surface charge we used is defined as Re(ϵE n ) on the surface of the Au shell or Au core, which is the real

part of the normal displacement field. The red and Selleckchem IBET762 blue curves represent the positively and negatively charged areas, respectively. The surface charge distributions of both cases are only slightly different. However, a stronger coupling between the Au shell and the Au core occurs in the near field at the Fano dip inducing destructive interference, compared to the field at the dipolar CFTRinh-172 chemical structure bonding mode. As a result, the strongest internal dissipation in the nanomatryoshka and the least far-field radiation occur at the Fano dip. Figure 5 Electric field (a), surface charge distributions (b), and far-field radiation pattern (c) in x-z plane. Induced by a radial electric dipole interacting with nanomatryushka at the dipolar bonding mode (820 nm), where d = 25 nm. Figure 6 Electric field (a), surface charge distributions (b), and far-field radiation pattern (c) in x-z plane. Induced by a radial electric dipole interacting with nanomatryushka at the dipolar Fano dip (740 nm), where d = 25 nm. Figure 7 Electric field (a), surface

charge distributions (b), and far-field radiation pattern (c) in x-z plane. Induced by a radial electric dipole interacting with nanomatryushka at the dipolar anti-bonding mode (648 nm), where d = 25 nm. The degree of the coupling between the Au Methocarbamol shell and the core at the Fano resonance is examined. The nonradiative power spectrum of a nanomatryoshka that is irradiated by an electric dipole is decomposed into two components (for the Au shell and the Au core) according to Equations 2 and 3. Figure 8a plots the spectrum of the Au shell and the spectrum of the Au core. According to Equation 4, the two spectra are fitted with the Fano line-shape function in the region 700 to 850 nm, as shown in Figure 8b. Table 2 presents the fitting parameters. The Fano factors of the Au shell and the Au core are q 1 = -3.99 and q 2 = 5.83, respectively, for d = 25 nm.

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