(C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. KPT-8602 datasheet [doi:10.1063/1.3583559]“
“One of the rarely cited complications of the use of alloplastic materials in pelvic floor surgery is dyspareunia
of the partner caused by prominence or vaginal exposure of the sling material. Even though this entity is real and an important problem, it is rarely reported in literature. We report six cases of partner dyspareunia, in which there were two incidences of partner penile injury, occurring as a complication of synthetic midurethral sling surgery. There were three tension-free vaginal tapes, two transobturator tapes and one anterior intravaginal sling in the series. Time interval between tape insertion and the presentation of complications ranged from 3 to 48 months. Vaginal exposure was seen in five of the six cases and in one patient prominence of sling material without exposure was noted. Recognizing partner dyspareunia as an important complication of the vaginal use of alloplastic prosthesis is not only important in preoperative counseling of patients but also to avoid legal implications.”
“HIPIMS (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering) discharge is a new PVD technology for the deposition of high-quality thin films. The deposition flux contains a high degree of metal ionization and nitrogen dissociation. The microstructure of HIPIMS-deposited
nitride films is denser compared to conventional sputter technologies. However, the mechanisms acting on the
microstructure, texture and properties have not been discussed in detail so far. In this study, the growth of TIN by HIPIMS AZD5153 of Ti in mixed Ar and N(2) atmosphere has been investigated. Varying degrees of metal ionization JQ1 mw and nitrogen dissociation were produced by increasing the peak discharge current (I(d)) from 5 to 30 A. The average power was maintained constant by adjusting the frequency. Mass spectrometry measurements of the deposition flux revealed a high content of ionized film-forming species, such as Ti(1+), Ti(2+) and atomic nitrogen N(1+). Ti(1+) ions with energies up to 50 eV were detected during the pulse with reducing energy in the pulse-off times. Langmuir probe measurements showed that the peak plasma density during the pulse was 3 x 10(16) m(-3). Plasma density, and ion flux ratios of N(1+) : N(2)(1+) and Ti(1+):Ti(0) increased linearly with peak current. The ratios exceeded 1 at 30 A. TIN films deposited by HIRIMS were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. At high I(d), N(1+):N(2)(1+) > 1 and Ti(1+):Ti(0) > 1 were produced; a strong 002 texture was present and column boundaries in the films were atomically tight. As I(d) reduced and N(1+): N(2)(1+) and Ti(1+):Ti(0) dropped below 1, the film texture switched to strong 111 with a dense structure. At very low I(d), porosity between columns developed.